Day 136, July 30, 2020
The 98% Pacifist Tonight's Soundtrack: 30 Minutes of Jimmy Smith Live in '65! So, we often talk about microaggressions when talking about little instances of unconscious bias, or ignorance, or little examples of racism that the perpetrator often has no idea they are perpetrating, and taken by itself, it might be a little thing, like someone adopting a fake Asian accent and saying, "Ah, what a bargain." Or, calling Japanese people, Japs... calling the Corona virus the Kung Flu... or walking up to a random Asian person and start making chopping motions... or White people making assumptions about someone's nationality because they had a Korean, or Filipino, or Chinese, girlfriend and so they know you must be that nationality. And taken as an individual instance, the microaggressions are not giant offenses. They are not the person yelling, "Chink!" out the car window. They are not the person telling me to go home where I came from. But, those little microagg