Day 45, April 30, 2020
Rain Soon it will be consistently warm. We may even get to the point where we complain about how warm it is. Maybe it will be so sunny that I will not be able to tolerate sitting by the big picture window at the kitchen table and I will have to retreat to the cool isolation of the basement. But those days aren't here yet. I'm still wearing my down vest and feeling like Marty McFly in Back to the Future when Biff the bully mistakes him for wearing a life preserver. I wear my vest and reach down behind me to touch the radiator, to reassure myself that the heat is turned on, that maybe I will grow warm. Running water on Dry Hill. When I first moved to Amherst, we lived in a two bedroom apartment in Colonial Village. We had electric heat and were frugal graduate students, so the heat remained off, or nearly off most of the time. Maybe it was on just enough to keep the temperature above freezing. The good thing about a small apartment was that it did not take much to hea...