Day 467, October 5, 2021

Active Imagination

Silent dancing on table tops, 
down hallways, 
a set of marble steps. 
Like Fred Astaire, John Travolta, 
Savion Glover, 
in my imagination, 
which is like singing like Jim Morrison, 
Ben Harper, Freddie Mercury, 
but in my imagination, 
where-in I can throw a football like Tom Brady, 
Doug Flutie, or Colin Kapernick. 

It is an active imagination. 

All the lives I long to live, 
the passions to endure, 
the endless travel. 

It is wearying, 
and I yearn for a more sedentary and mundane existence. 
One where I come home and change into my pajama pants, 
start a fire in the wood stove, 
and cook dinner. 

Oh, what it would be, 
I imagine, 
to live the life of a mediocre man, 
existing, waiting, 
slowly becoming nothing.


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