Day 164, August 27, 2020
The Blackboard Tonight's soundtrack: Herbie Hancock, Headhunter II Little known fact... all through the pandemic, I've been wearing shorts. For the most part, nobody sees me below laptop level, so while I have a nice button down Zoom shirt, and on a rare (for summer) occasion, worn a tie, down below I've rotated between two or three pairs of shorts chosen for a combination of lightness of material, comfort, and not needing a belt, because who wants to sit at their kitchen table all day wearing a belt? Yesterday, the weather turned and I was chilly all day. Today didn't seem any warmer, so I put on jeans, this pair needs a belt, and shockingly, socks. Midway through the day, I even donned a knit hoodie over my Zoom shirt. I guess it really is late August. The summer has slipped away surprisingly fast. It is a little breathtaking to realize the summer is mostly gone and fall is right around the corner. The semester, for all of its complications and challenges, is startin...